Art + Culture Week Seattle
September 8 - 14, 2024
Don Norman Go Natives! Gallery Talk, Thursday, September 12, 6 pm
Tony Angell Artist Talk, Saturday, September 14, 2 pm
All events are free to attend and open to the public.
Celebrating the inaugural Art + Culture Week, soar into peak fall bird migration at Foster/White Gallery! Highlighting the connection between art and the natural world, we celebrate the global movement of birds and the supporting botany of the luscious Pacific Northwest. Join us for a rewilding of Foster/White with an exploration of native landscaping by ornithologist Don Norman of Go Natives! Nursery, as well as a talk by revered naturalist sculptor and author, Tony Angell. We are thrilled to rewild the gallery with a display of native fall plants provided by Go Natives! Nursery. Come to Don Norman's gallery talk and take home a starter plant to begin your rewilding at home! As a backdrop to the week's events, the gallery will feature the work of gallery artists including Tony Angell, Shar Coulson, Calvin Ma, Alden Mason, Andre Petterson, Mark Rediske, Will Robinson, and George Rodriguez. Artwork from the gallery's newest artist, Xavi Bou, will also be on display.
More information about the week's events can be found here:
Art + Culture Week Seattle
Go Natives! Nursery
BirdCast Live Bird Migration Map